
Scrum is an iterative, incremental method for project management often seen in agile software development (refer to Methods and Techniques).
Its core principle is the iterative sequence:

article scrum


1. Apply: make changes to improve the process

2. Inspect: retrospective meetings will provide insight in the validity of the process applied in the first sprint

3. Adapt: apply changes to the process based on what the Scrum teams and the whole development organisation learn along the way

Roles & responsibilities:

  • Product Owner: manages the vision, ROI, release and changes
  • Scrum Master: manages the process (facilitator), removes impediments, escalates issues
  • Development team (cross functional): produces the business value identified as highest priority, estimates the task, demos the fruits of the labour, self organising


  • Sprint Planning Meeting (each 2 to 4 weeks)
  • Goal is to determine what product backlog item(s) the team will perform.
  • Based on the product backlog with prioritized items, the team capability, state of the business and technology and the view on the current product (“where are we now”), it produces the product backlog item the team will execute in the next sprint and the breakdown of the product backlog items into sprint backlog items with tasks and subtasks.
  • All people of the development team should understand what the different item means.
  • Scrum Meeting (each 24 hours)

Goal is information exchange

Principles: always same time & same place, as early as possible, no coffee break, standing up.

Important questions to answer: What have you done? What will you do? What are your impediments?